4 Elements of Servant Leadership
Servant leadership is a management style that centers on empathy, listening, and encouraging employees to share their views. This approach can help teams become more engaged and high-performing. Servant leaders also use persuasion and influence to motivate their team members to get on board with a new initiative. They conceptualize plans and look at the bigger picture to help their teams reach their goals. Persuasion is a skill that helps you convince others to agree with your point of view or follow your course of action. It’s a key skill for sales professionals, but it can also be used in other roles. To be a good persuader, you need to have high self-esteem and believe in yourself. You also need to understand how your audience thinks so you can make them feel heard. Another important aspect of persuasion is recognizing the importance of building rapport, which involves getting people to trust you and feel like you have their best interests at heart. This takes time to build, so...